Blue Evening
2016. Dark Braun, Thoroughbred (register)
Decarchy x Tagula
Blue Evening is the result of one of my dream. Breeding one of my favorite polo mare with a great race horse. But not a tall one, I wanted to have all the quality of the race horse, with the balance and movement of a polo pony. I finally found the perfect stud at Magali Farm, Decarchy. Short (15.1h), balance, fast, he was everything needed for a polo pony but also a successful racehorse and race sire. Blue evening is training on the race track and after his first carrier he will come back to be a polo pony. Breeding your mare with him, how will have some of the best thoroughbred bloodline with a fast and agile horse. His mom Sepia Print had always been one of my most balance pony, playing fast chokers and then going on the track with a beginner. The foal is eligible full thoroughbred (live covering) or frozen semens will also be available for not thoroughbred mare.
Price: $300 Frozen// $600 Cooled // $900Live cover (only for Jockey Club register mares.
(available in 2020, but will be a limited to a small amount of mares, reservations in advance can be made.)
WFFS: Not tested yet
EVA: Not tested yet
Categories: Polo, Thoroughbred, Racing

Blue Evening Sire